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All Trekking Tours

In addition to the tours shown I also always offer the opportunity to plan individual trips. Tell me your schedule, your budget and what you want to see and I'll be happy to advise you on what's possible.

My Principles

Nature, Religion & Tradition

When you go on a trek with me ... i know much about Nature, Religion & Tradions from Nepal.

Hire a Porter

You find the idea of a person carrying your backpack disturbing? Let me assure you that being a porter has nothing obedient to it. Porter is a very old profession in Nepal.
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To reach remote settlements porters were and are a necessity, there are no roads in rural regions. Being a porter is a save income for a family.

Since tourism reached Nepal, some porters changed their field: instead of goods they carry equipment for trekkers/mountaineers. Doing porter with tourists they get payment better than a local porter. So being hired as a trekking porter has a high standing amongst most Nepalese.


There are many treks "everbody" knows, everbody wants to go. I can guide you throu this regions - but i can also show you some parts of nepal there are the same beautiful - even more, cause not so many people are there


I always try to keep my prices as fair as possible.
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My rates are situated below the rates of big trekking agencies and I try to optimize the cost along the route as much as possible.
I have to adjust my rates to governmental rises of costs.